New words:

yes, yucky, raff (giraffe), sock, night, dark, mo (more, the word not the sign), Ha Ha!

Only in Westchester

can you pay people to come to your house and fingerpaint with your kids.

Request for Prayers and Masses

O.O.'s aunt, Evelyn, will be having surgery next week to remove her lung tumor. There is a chance that she will not survive the procedure due to her age and health. Prayers and Masses for Evey would be most appreciated.
Thank you for any intercessions you can offer.
Girl V is reaching a new stage in talking. Starting to ask for things that she wants, which is kind of nice. I am hoping to get her to ask for FOOD so I know if she is hungry. The best is that she now asks for "hap" (help) when a toy gets stuck, etc. She is combining words more "bye-bye light," "hello Daddy." When you take food out of the microwave she says "hot." She asks to draw and then requests that we draw certain things like a cow. She still is counting and enjoying saying the letters. I am trying to get her to figure out that letters spell words.
Something I did not know: "What is the difference between a spice and an herb?
Spices are pungent or aromatic seasonings obtained from the bark, buds, fruit, roots, seeds or stems of various plants and trees whereas herbs usually come from the leafy part of a plant."

More Baby, You Know You Want It!

O.O. says she is a night person like us because all her breakthroughs have come at night - first step, etc. Well here's another one to support his theory. Tonight she counted her bedtime banana slices. She picked them up and put them in a pile, saying "two, tee, fou, ... two." So we need to teach her "one." But that was neat! It seems that she finally gets the concept that the things being counted can change but the numbers you call them stay the same, unlike letters (laloo) that always have the same name and object. When we go outside she likes to point out the letters on the storm drain covers.

On a sad note, today we learned that O.O.'s 82-year-old aunt has lung cancer only a few years after recovering from breast cancer. Please pray for Evey's health. Please also continue to pray for the health of my dear Uncle Bill, diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer.


Girl V can now say "uh-oh" and "haa-lo!" and knows most of her lower-case letters. She likes to help wash herself in the tub and announce each part when she washes it. She calls glasses "glocky" and letters "la-loo." She also knows Elmo's name: "Amo." She has started to make friends with a little girl named Jamie down the street who is about 3 weeks older than she is.
Ok, time for you to comment. I can't do this all by myself!

Girl V Update - 20 months

Today is Girl V's 20th monthiversary. She can now say "uh-oh" and "shark" and "cow." She used to be very tough and not even notice a big "boo-boo," but now she has become a drama queen and calls attention to very minor boo-boos such as a sore hand from banging happily on the table. "Boo-boo," she wails "ow!" It is pretty funny. If you kiss it and tell her it is all better, she will say "bye-bye" and be happy again.
You Are Bert

Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil

How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others
Today Girl V learned to say "Okay!"
I saw an ad for the National Endowment for the Arts a while ago. (Why do they need to advertise it? "The Government. It's Great!") It said, "NEA. Because a great nation deserves great art."
"Exactly!" I thought. "That's why we should dismantle the NEA!"

This is the sort of idiocy that makes me laugh without fail:

LILEKS (James) :: the Bleat: "I go through about two bags of spinach a week, since it's a great source of spinach."
O.O. says, "Women would be a lot less nice if they were made of metal."

She knows all her letters as of 9/9.

She likes to walk around saying them for practice. "Bee! Ek! Ouw! Em! Y! Eff!" She notices them on boxes and books. She can now say circle and snake AKA "nack." She often says "WOW!" when she is excited, maybe because she gets to eat cheese. Also "yay" when she is proud of herself, with applause.
She is also unafraid of the dark.


Today she counted to two! Tomorrow, she will probably start juggling, or cooking, or driving. I am outpaced.

Doctor visit

was not fun for Miss V. She did not like being weighed or measured, or getting a shot. She seemed to understand that being undressed was weird and probably bad. But she is happy and healthy and the doctor visit only confirmed that. She is 33.2 inches tall and 24lb, 11.7oz - meaning she is 75th percentile in height and about 60th percentile in weight.
Tonight she could name four colors - black, green, yellow and blue. It is really impressive how she learns things after only hearing them once or twice. I spent such a long time teaching her things before and now she just does them and I wonder where she learned it.
Osama Bin Laden Found Inside Each Of Us | The Onion: "'There is a part inside each of us that makes us throw recyclable items in with the rest of our trash, let Mom go to voicemail, and eat coworkers' food out of the refrigerator,' Tenet told the council. 'It is a dark, dank, shameful place, and it is my belief that the man responsible for the events of Sept. 11 lurks therein.' "

Baby V at 19.5 months

Baby V knows some letters! She has learned B, E, O, M, X and Y and maybe some more. She learned them from her little letter books, videos and one of those electronic toys her Grammy bought for her a few months ago. O.O. thinks she is a genius. She also stuck her foot in his shoe and grabbed the laces and said "bow" - only further confirming her status as a genius. We don't really know when babies learn such things.
She also has a doll baby that she loves that drinks and wets, this has promoted sitting on the potty. She also has a Fisher Price play family village that was her daddy's, which Gramma saved for 31 years and sent to us (after a thorough washing of course). Baby V likes it a lot and even requested to go into her play room to go play with it. Usually she wants OUT of the room, and has never requested to go IN.
I can no longer keep up with the new words. She says no to everything by default, only says "Mm-hmm!" AKA yes, if she really wants it. She is combining words, mostly no+noun, so "no cup" for example. Had a big eating/growth spurt recently but lately eating very little. It makes me nervous but I know she will eat when she needs food.

Can anyone think of a good Halloween costume? I think most people around here will be looking for a saint costume at their parties, should we get invited somewhere. Are there any saints who wore yellow pajamas with hearts on them, or t-shirts adorned with butterflies? If so that would be the sort of saint we are looking for.

Also Baby V gets to go to the doctor on Wed. for her 18 month checkup. We did not have good insurance so postponed it until now, since we have good coverage through O.O.'s job. (Long tedious story.) So we will get to see how big the V is and meet her doctor and see if we like her. I think we will like her, she lives down the street from us and seems nice enough.
From a Unitarian Universalist sermon: "I have a dear friend, a long-time minister, who refuses to include 'so long as you both shall live' in the wedding services he does. He's on his third marriage. "